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This Is Now: Tom Nichols

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Kepler’s Literary Foundation is proud to host Tom Nichols, author of The Death of Expertise, for his new book Our Own Worst Enemy.

Nichols is Professor of National Security Affairs at the US Naval War College, trusted commentator for The Atlantic and USA Today among others, and a prominent defector from the Republican Party. Watching the evolution of US politics and culture since the turn of the century, Nichols’ free-thinking views have gained a new sharpness of dissent, which is on full display in this captivating new critique of the United States' newly illiberal politics.

Our nation that claims across the board to value fairness, tolerance, freedom, and law has, according to Nichols, taken to electing leaders who stand for just the opposite. Nichols lays this growing authoritarian habit and extreme political division at the feet of a democracy that has embraced narcissism and rage— and looks for those values in its elected officials. He also points to key shifting factors like a rising living standard and resistance to change. The character of the democracy we know seems to be shifting underfoot, says Nichols: how did this crisis of polarity and illiberalism begin, and what comes next?

Nichols calls for truism, compromise, stoicism, and cooperation—the prescription for a return to civic virtue and democratic principles. But he doesn’t pretend it will be easy to turn this car around. The democratic process is in trouble.

Nichols returns for a visit in our This Is Now political and cultural series with journalist-in-residence Angie Coiro. Join us on August 26th to hear one of our most popular speakers—and one of the most compelling skeptics in politics— diagnose an ailing democracy.

Webinar space is limited, so register early!