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April Non-Fiction Book Club

This month the Kepler’s Non-Fiction Book Club will discuss A Sand County Almanac by Aldo Leopold. Few books have had a greater impact than A Sand County Almanac, which many credit with launching a revolution in land management. Written as a series of sketches based principally upon the flora and fauna in a rural part of Wisconsin, the book, originally published by Oxford in 1949, gathers informal pieces written by Leopold over a forty-year period as he traveled through the woodlands of Wisconsin, Iowa, Arizona, Sonora, Oregon, Manitoba, and elsewhere; a final section addresses the philosophical issues involved in wildlife conservation. Beloved for its description and evocation of the natural world, Leopold's book, which has sold well over 2 million copies, remains a foundational text in environmental science and a national treasure.

You can order a copy of the book from Kepler’s here.

What is the Non-Fiction Book Club?

Kepler’s Non-Fiction Book Club has been meeting since 2010. We cover all non-fiction genres from soup to nuts. Our meetings are monthly and we meet at 3:00pm every first Tuesday of the month via google meets. We welcome new attendees, and book suggestions and we vote every three months on the books suggested. I hope you feel free to join in whenever the spirit moves you.- Sina Herkelrath book club coordinator.

If you would like to attend any Book Club events please reach out to Heather Birchall at to receive the Google Meet link.

Later Event: April 1
Carolyn Huynh with Aimee Phan