Evening Literary Seminar: What Maisie Knew, Henry James
What Maisie Knew
It is SO GRATIFYING to dive into a classic and find it shockingly real and relevant and incisive and witty and engaging. Famously, What Maisie Knew is this tale of a nineteenth-century London divorce from the perspective of the young Maisie who is shuttled between parents who are WAY less discreet than they think they are. It’s no wonder that Julianne Moore and Alexander Skarsgård starred in a 2012 film version, given that the novel speaks so aptly about marital and sexual tensions that have changed very little since 1897. Contemporaneity aside, readers will be delighted by how different one feels when reading James’s distinctive Gilded Age prose, not to mention the fun of entering a truly distinct historical era. Plus London! Join us as we tackle this delightful classic.
A copy of What Maisie Knew is included in the price of the Seminar and should be picked up at Kepler's (and read) prior to the meeting date.