Evening Literary Seminar: A Manual for Cleaning Women, Lucia Berlin
A Manual for Cleaning Women, Lucia Berlin
Lucía Berlin’s short stories have caused more than one critic to call her “America’s best kept secret.” Born in Alaska in 1936, but having grown up in Arizona, Montana and Chile, Berlin’s fiction is often autobiographical, which will provide excellent grist for Kimberly’s literary mill. Having been an upper-crust ex-pat, a cleaning woman, an alcoholic, a mother to four boys, a wife and lover to many, Berlin reads like Raymond Carver or Grace Paley or a very gritty Alice Munro. Her prose is unique and luminous, hard-scrabble and surprising and SO GOOD. For an engaging, original escape, join us to read at least a few of these masterpieces.
Book will be shipped directly to you so that you may read it prior to the seminar. You may also choose to pick books up at Kepler’s in Menlo Park as another option.