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Get Your First (Great) Book Deal

  • Kepler's Books 1010 El Camino Real Menlo Park, CA, 94025 United States (map)

Get Your First (Great) Book Deal

Do you have a great idea for a book but don’t know how to go about writing and publishing it? Or have you written a book but are stalled trying to get the attention of agents and publishers? Whether you’re just starting to develop your project or have already written a complete manuscript, this workshop will give you the tools you need to get your book polished, sold, published, and on the shelves in bookstores.

The workshop will review:

The roles of agents, editors, and publishers
How publishing teams decide which books to acquire
The function of book proposals
The secrets to crafting a strong query letter
Finding the right agent and publisher for you

You’ll learn the smartest strategies to shepherd your project from “spark of an idea” to “magnum opus.”

About the Workshop Lead

Laura Mazer is a literary agent with WSA, where she represents writers of adult fiction and nonfiction, with a special interest in cultural commentary, health and wellness, women’s lifestyle, popular history and science, and contemporary stories that take us on smart, deep dives into fascinating facets of everyday life. Before joining Wendy Sherman Associates, Laura was executive editor of Seal Press, an imprint of the Hachette Book Group, where she edited bold voices in adult nonfiction. Her New York Times bestselling books include What Would Frida Do? by Arianna Davis and From Cradle to Stage: Stories from the Mothers Who Rocked and Raised Rock Stars by Virginia Grohl. A longtime advocate for underrepresented voices, Laura serves on the board of The OpEd Project.

COVID SAFETY PROTOCOLS: We strongly encourage attendees to wear masks at our events, although they will NOT be required.  We will have masks available for attendees who want them. Do NOT attend the event if you, or any member of your family, have any respiratory symptoms (e.g. cough, runny nose, and/or sore throat), or have had a significant exposure to someone who has tested positive for COVID-19.  We have virtual options available, or we can refund your ticket(s).

Earlier Event: July 2
July Non-Fiction Book Club