Literary Seminar Series: Bonjour Tristesse
Best-selling author, Ph.D. and former adjunct professor at Berkeley, Kimberly Ford is eager to explore Bonjour Tristesse as the final installment in the summer Literary Seminar Series. Each week the group will read a portion of the book and then convene with Ford who will provide insightful interpretation and deeper understanding of the novella.
3 Seminars included in the Series:
* July 22 - 4:00 PM
* July 29 - 4:00 PM
* August 5 - 4:00 PM
Enjoy a deep dive into Bonjour Tristesse, in three 60-minute virtual sessions. Please read the first one-third of the book for the first class.
Bonjour Tristesse, Françoise Sagan
Written when Sagan was only eighteen, this 1955 novella will transport you not only to a sun-drenched French villa, but to a late adolescence that no American—maybe no one but Sagan!—got to experience. Our fiery protagonist is right on the cusp of entering an adult world filled with privilege and sexual tension and varying alliances, the reader happily following the glamour and growth and plot twists as young Cécile moves through the summertime drama. Three one-hour-long sessions will allow us to really delve into the magic of her prose while also touching on translation. For those of you who have a little French, it’s a relatively straightforward novel—read it in both languages!
Book will be shipped directly to you so that you may read it prior to the seminar.