Afternoon Literary Seminar: Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit by Jeanette Winterson
Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit by Jeanette Winterson
If you didn’t get caught up in the Oranges CRAZE back in 1985, you are in for a treat. If you did, you’ll be happy to know that the novel still feels remarkable. The tale of a girl in the North of England who is adopted by an evangelical couple, Oranges handles huge questions of sexuality, class, loyalty and religion with the deftest, lightest touch. The book is warm and funny and really smart. It’s actually fascinating to consider a book from 36 years ago (!!) that tackles so many issues that are germane today. It makes us realize how far we’ve come in some ways and how not far we’ve come in others. In all ways, the novel’s prose is excellent and will provide Kimberly all sorts of grist for her mill.
There are several ticket options that include books with purchase, books shipped to home, books picked up at Kepler’s Books or seminar only. Thanks to the generosity of an anonymous donor all shipping costs will be waived for the literary seminars. The books should be read prior to the meeting date.